Taxis: Corfu Radio-Taxi 26610 39911, Nektarios (local driver) +30 698742916
Buses: Buses from and to Corfu
Car-scooter rentals: Many available scooter and car rentals in Messongi. We recommend Millenium Car Rentals.
Boat trips: A few available boat trips in Messongi, like Captain Homer and many more.
Doctors: Local Dr Balis 26610 75044. Dr Chalidia 26610 75066
Pharmacy: pharmacies available in Messongi and Moraitika
Supermarkets: A few supermarkets available in Messongi and Moraitika, our top 3 choices are: 3Ks (very good selection of wines and spirits and everything you might need for the beach), Dimitra Market (for fresh greens, fruits and veggies), Coop Market (for a great selection of local cheeses and meats, with an excellent service).
Our apartments all have views of the sea and garden, and sleep from 2 to 4 people. Click below for details of the individual properties.